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It's never a fun experience going to the local ER. If you have to go to the ER, make no mistake, it's for emergency purposes. According to the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, about 20% of Americans visit the emergency room at least once annually. Remember, the ER stands for the Emergency Room, so a trip there is for medical issues that can't wait for an appointment. If you're unsure what constitutes an emergency, read on for more information.
If someone suddenly has chest pains, it could mean they're in cardiac arrest. Having a heart attack isn't something you want to try and wait out. In addition to a heart attack, chest pain could signal other heart valve issues like Angina, a condition that happens when your heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood.
You can easily get a cut or a bruise on your finger, hand, or anywhere else on your body. However, if you're bleeding excessively to the point where you could bleed to death, you need to get to your local ER right away. If you lose enough blood, you'll eventually pass out and could die. That's why it's important to seek medical attention if your blood hasn't begun to clot or you're unable to stop the blood on your own. Excessive bleeding can happen due to lacerations, gum disease, bad falls, and other physical trauma.
If you normally have good eyesight and your vision begins to blur out of the blue, that could be very scary. This may occur when experiencing a stroke or extremely high sugar levels. According to Healthline, a detached retina can cause sudden blurred vision. You should get checked out by a doctor right away to figure out the cause of the issue.
Asthma is a respiratory disorder in which breathing can become difficult at times. Attacks may happen randomly or become exacerbated by allergies, pollen, fear, or air pollution. Mild asthma can be controlled by using an inhaler once someone gets short of breath. However, some people have severe asthma which may require some trips to the emergency room.
A laceration is a big cut or tear in the skin or flesh. In other words, it's not a cut that can be covered up by a Band-Aid. It's the type of wound that requires stitches or more to heal. Walking around with an open cut or laceration can cause uncontrollable bleeding and infections.
If you have an accident that results in broken bones, you must go to the emergency room for help. Regardless of what bone you break, you need doctors to help splinter the wound so your bones can connect back together and begin the healing process. Expect the injured area to be in a cast for several weeks until your bone fully heals.
If you ever have the misfortune of being stabbed or shot, you must go to the emergency room. These are serious wounds that can result in profuse bleeding or puncture of an organ. In the case of a gunshot, if the bullet didn't exit your body, then emergency care doctors must perform surgery to remove the bullet from your body.
In the event of a physical assault, you should go to the emergency room immediately. Whether the assault was domestic violence or a fight on the street, the doctors in the local ER will check your body for trauma. Going to the local ER after an assault is good for litigation. If you plan on pursuing legal action after being assaulted, having a local medical doctor document your injuries will help your case.
Always go to the ER after a car accident, regardless of how you feel. Even if you managed to walk away, there may be some internal trauma or bleeding you may not be aware of. Plus, if another driver was at fault, documenting the accident from a medical point of view can also help you in case you need compensation for your car, physical therapy, or medical expenses for a resulting injury.
While it may not be the most fun thing to do, going to the
local ER can help save your life. If you experience any emergency issues, visit Family Emergency Room at Georgetown for help.
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